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Raspberry Pi 3 Model B 6-layer Stack Clear Case Support Raspberry Pi 2B/B+/B/A+
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B 6-layer Stack Clear Case Support Raspberry Pi 2B/B+/B/A+
US$ 32.90
Overall Rating:
Features: 7 pieces 6-layer top and bottom boards make a clear case after you peel off protective film Fits perfectly for Raspberry PI 3 modle B by routing out all ports se...
Average rating:
4 (1 reviews)
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Mar 5, 2017
By david gustafson
Clean product, packaged well for each layer. Highly recommend using precision electronic screw driver set as to not strip/damage plastic screws. As for myself, I had no problems with plastic or metal screws. As such, it is certainly advisable not use your regular shop tools.

However there are no holes cut for the Raspberry Pi Model 1 (one) A/B as stated in products main header description on Amazon, Eleduino website as well as the product box.

Did not expect rubber feet to come with it but sure glad, because it was need for me.
Other manufacturers of similar design are grossly over priced. Satisfied with purchase and the on time two shipping.
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